Subject: Me

My photo
I'm a capturedlilac. I'm a flicker. I found my surrounding very interesting. I have this impulsive thoughts on my mind now. so why not making a blog to declare my boredom existence. hahaha. it's just that..i write, i capture pictures, i read, i think, and it's funny how this world is full of amusing things. really..all i have to do is just sit, hold my camera, listen to some good music, and think. Impulsively.. i'll have some good writings on my mind. It's not like i'd like to be heard or change the world with my writings.. that's obviously impossible. I'm just killing my time. And i like it this way. Just like Michel Gondry said.. “I want to make a documentary about imaginary things.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

O ovary O flowery

I am so ready to give birth
But i fear..
what you people will do to my placenta

*tersenyum sinis

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Oh's been a while, isn't it?
I was busy staring at THE CROWD. and you know how much crowd could be very intimidating.
I was like swallowed into it. Mostly when it comes into a new year celebration.
Music, shouts, people, masquerade, or whatsoever...
And you're forgetting the essence of what new year really is.
Hmmmm *thinking

(meanwhile let's just go back to the crowd shall we?)



Monday, October 6, 2008

Time to Grow

Welcome to the family by ~capturedlilac on deviantART

Powell Davies said life is just a chance to grow a soul.

Welcome to our family Lintang!! Nice to know you new baby-born. I love you already!! Oooh I feel older now. But hey life is a succession of moments, right? So all I need is take more pictures to keep the moment and succeeded hee hee. Ok baby-born... get your chances and enjoy the universe soulfully !!


Aunty Gode

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Don't let your character change color with the environment. Find out who you are and let it stay it's true color... although being so colorful is wayyy more interesting hahaha.

-love, Em-

(thanks to Brenda D. S. for being such a talented model. xoxo sist!)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Smoking Kills... creativity haha

Photo by: Maria Tallarico. Model: Andini

Photo by: Maria Tallarico. Model: Leni Sasmitasari

TO STOP SMOKING IS THE EASIEST THING ON EARTH BECAUSE I HAVE DONE IT HUNDREDS TIMES. hahaha... Thanks to Andini and Leni Sasmitasari for being so helpful and cooperate when i took the pictures hehe. It was just a right moment!

I took the Highway to reach my goal

Sundown at the Highway by ~capturedlilac on deviantART

Hi i'm back!! Yes i know it's been a while. It's been crazy here. Working and school are just wayyy out of control. I have no idea where these things are going. It's like my priority is going nowhere. Working? School? Gahhhhh.. it's like i need money to pay my tuition but then the work needs time and the time beats school. I took this picture when i was passing by the highway. I was bemused by the shine of the sundown. So i pulled over and took the photo. It was dangerous i think but the beauty worth the danger. And then when i got home i got this quote by Elbert Hubbard. It says "Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal." :) I don't really get what it means but i know i am much nearer to my goal !!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy agony

Being sad is a happy agony. And you'll feel no one is actually there to listen. You're walking around at the same haze. You're figuring out what you can believe and cannot believe. And by the end of the day you believe neither what you can believe nor you cannot believe. *sighs

Dear oh dear there's a light in every end of dark tunnels, let's just hope it's not a train :)

(thanks to Brenda D.S for being my model. You're such a talented girl)

turning my back on the past by ~capturedlilac on deviantART