Subject: Me

My photo
I'm a capturedlilac. I'm a flicker. I found my surrounding very interesting. I have this impulsive thoughts on my mind now. so why not making a blog to declare my boredom existence. hahaha. it's just that..i write, i capture pictures, i read, i think, and it's funny how this world is full of amusing things. really..all i have to do is just sit, hold my camera, listen to some good music, and think. Impulsively.. i'll have some good writings on my mind. It's not like i'd like to be heard or change the world with my writings.. that's obviously impossible. I'm just killing my time. And i like it this way. Just like Michel Gondry said.. “I want to make a documentary about imaginary things.”

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy agony

Being sad is a happy agony. And you'll feel no one is actually there to listen. You're walking around at the same haze. You're figuring out what you can believe and cannot believe. And by the end of the day you believe neither what you can believe nor you cannot believe. *sighs

Dear oh dear there's a light in every end of dark tunnels, let's just hope it's not a train :)

(thanks to Brenda D.S for being my model. You're such a talented girl)

turning my back on the past by ~capturedlilac on deviantART