Subject: Me

My photo
I'm a capturedlilac. I'm a flicker. I found my surrounding very interesting. I have this impulsive thoughts on my mind now. so why not making a blog to declare my boredom existence. hahaha. it's just that..i write, i capture pictures, i read, i think, and it's funny how this world is full of amusing things. really..all i have to do is just sit, hold my camera, listen to some good music, and think. Impulsively.. i'll have some good writings on my mind. It's not like i'd like to be heard or change the world with my writings.. that's obviously impossible. I'm just killing my time. And i like it this way. Just like Michel Gondry said.. “I want to make a documentary about imaginary things.”

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Don't let your character change color with the environment. Find out who you are and let it stay it's true color... although being so colorful is wayyy more interesting hahaha.

-love, Em-

(thanks to Brenda D. S. for being such a talented model. xoxo sist!)